Thaara Zameen par🍃

‘Thaara Zameen par’ is an outstanding movie. It is one of the best movie ever!. This is a proud film for whole Indian film industry. I don’t know how to explain it.It cannot be conclude with words. It’s more than we think. The movie is emotional, fun and relays an important message that ‘every child is special in their own way’.

Taara zameen par about a child who suffers because no one around him recognize that he is a low learner. This child named Ishaan Awasthi (parsheel safary) is an 8 year old boy. Who disliked school and fails every test or exam. He finds all subject difficult. Because of this Ishaan’s parants decided to set him off to a boarding school. Now he is away from home,he feels more dejected. Ram Shaker Nikumbh (Aamir Khan) get appoined as a new art teacher of the school. Ram takes effort to understand Ishaan and his problem. He make realise that Ishaan is not abnormal. Ram helps overcoming his inabilities.

This movie is a master piece of Aamir Khan. Each and every plot in the movie is touchy and stikes deep into my heart. Taking about performance, Darshan safary (Ishaan), you stole the movie. Honestly he has changed the perception of Bollywood child artist. And my favourite favourite role is Ram done by Aamir Khan perfectly brilliant. Aamir Khan….. hats off you, you are a greatest ever been grown!. It is an eye opening and enjoyable and it is a must watch film. This is my favourite movie till 2020. Direction of the film is amazing and title tracks are beautiful. Thank you Aamir Khan production for such movies. Wish a best of luck for the future of the production and waiting for such marvelous movies.